What We Do
Medico Group 美醫健集團由前醫療激光工程師創辦,致力為客戶提供最頂尖的儀器和卓越的售後服務,以幫助醫生們將最安全、最可靠的醫學美容治療方案帶給每一位客人。我們是韓國品牌包括Wontech, LaserOptek, Oro, Union Medical 和美國miraDry的港澳區獨家代理。美醫健代理的儀器包括最新、最流行、性價比最高的醫美儀器例如皮秒激光Picocare、雙波長755/1064脫毛激光 Sandro Dual、退紅激光V Laser、微波止汗儀miraDry、原美電波Oligio X、納秒去斑激光Pastelle,當然少不了各種入門級儀器例如二氧化碳激光CO₂ Laser、醫療級凍風機和吸煙機等等。
Founded by a former medical laser engineer, we are a leading distributor of medical aesthetic devices that provide meaningful solutions for the aesthetic markets in Hong Kong and Macau. Medico is the exclusive distributor of Wontech, LaserOptek, Oro, Union Medical and miraDry in Hong Kong and Macau. We carry the latest, the most sought-after and cost effective equipment including Picocare, Sandro Dual, V Laser, miraDry, Pastelle, Oligio X, CO₂ Laser, Siberian Fit Medical Chiller, Smoke Evacuator and more.